"I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her." --Hosea 2:14

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Jane and Helen....

 My favorite fictional book of all time is Jane Eyre! I absolutely LOVE it! I'm reading again and just read one of the most beautiful early parts where little Helen Burns dies. 

This is what Helen tells Jane...

"I am sure there is a future state; I believe God is Good;
 I can reign my immortal part to Him without any misgiving.
 God is my father; God is my friend: I love Him; I believe He loves me."

Young Jane says:
"And shall I see you again, Helen, when I die?"

"You will come to the same region of happiness:
 be received by the same mighty, universal Parent, 
no doubt, dear Jane."

So much wisdom in the words of Helen Burns!
 She is one of my all time favorite characters ever! 

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