"I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her." --Hosea 2:14

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Grandfather's Halloween Poem...

The Haunted House

'Oo, Do you remember, too,
the haunted house
The wind blew through?-
The house so bare,
The grass so tall,
Where folks don't dare 
To live at all.
The open door,
And, when we'd peek, 
the way the floor,
would always squeak,
The awful noise
The shutters made,
And how we boys
Were all afraid
Of every sound
We heard around
The haunted house?

Gee, oh gee! Did jever see
The haunted house
 At night, like me?
The night I had
To learn my song
Ma told my Dad 
To go along.
"The haunted place
is on the way,
And just in case -"
I heard her say.
Of course my Pa
Said, "That's all bosh."
He said, "oh, pshaw!"
I said, "My gosh,
Do you think I
would dare go by 
The haunted house?"

"Oh, I know I'll have to go;
This haunted house
is funny, though."
But I and Pa,
When we were right
in front, we saw,
Saw something white!
And then I dropped.
Or did almost.
Pa never stopped,
But yelled, "A GHOST!'
When spirits roam,
Homes where to be.
I beat it home, 
But, Dad beat me!
My, Dad ran fast
that night we passed
The haunted house.'

 (Written on October 27, 1930
 by my Grandfather, Richard Jackson).

After my paternal Grandfather died, my mother was cleaning out her father's things and came across a black, hardcover journal.  In it were dozens of poems that my Grandfather had written.  The other day,
 I came across this painting above and as soon as I saw it, I  was reminded of Pa's poem!
  I think it fits it perfectly!  I hope you enjoy it, too!  Happy Halloween!  

1 comment:

Mary N. said...

An awesome poem, Lindy! This was a delight to read!


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