"I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her." --Hosea 2:14

Monday, September 5, 2011

St. Therese of Lisieux on the Eucharist....

In her book The Story of a Soul, Therese begins to tell the story
of her first Holy Communion. At a certain point she chooses to stop
describing it. She gives such great detail describing what it meant
to receive Christ in the sacrament, how she received instruction, etc.,
and then she simply stops. Her reason for stopping captures this
whole idea of what it means to celebrate Eucharist as mystery. St.
Thérèse gives the following reason for ceasing to use words to describe
her experience:
"But I’m not going to give every detail. Some things lose their fragrance
when opened to the air, and there are stirrings of the soul
which cannot be put into words without destroying their delicacy."

(Taken in part from 'Spirituality of the Eucharist, by Dominick D. Hankle)

I love this quote!  Every time I read almost anything by The Little Flower, I feel like I'm reading an intimate piece of poetry!!  I LOVE her thoughts...they are little treasures!!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Lindy, how beautiful! Thank you for sharing this. I agree with you about Therese -- it is almost impossible not to fall in love with everything she said/wrote!

BTW, welcome back! Am enjoying your Carmelite related posts! : )

New puppy is too cute!


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