"I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her." --Hosea 2:14

Monday, March 28, 2016

Stay with me...

Painting by William Holman Hunt
"Hidden in the obscurity of faith,
 God draws near our soul,
 makes Himself our traveling companion,
 and still more,
 lives in us by grace.

...The soul who
 has found the Lord, 
even but once in this manner,
 not outside itself,
 but within itself,
 living and acting in its heart, 
cannot fail to direct to Him the cry: 
"Stay with me!"

…God remains with us; it is for us to remain with Him."

(Taken in part from 'Divine Intimacy' by Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.)


Caitlynne Grace said...

Yesterday, feeling troubled in spirit, but not able to pinpoint the source, I had prayed to be anchored in the Soul of my Risen Lord, and after a while, I was okay. I have now just received news of a Stage IV pancreatic cancer healing for someone I know- it was there last month, in all its ferociousness, but it's gone now. As I read of the news, the word anchor came to mind.

And right after hearing about the healing, I came to visit you, and your newest post is entitled: Stay With Me, and accompanying it is a very special picture of Christ.

Lindy, this particular picture of Christ, more than others, means the world to me, because this was the first picture of Him that I put up in my room when I was away at college. It meant a lot then because it was the first 'holy thing' that I chose on my own; before that, I had no say in anything. It marked my first step towards the freedom of seeking Him, and allowing Him into my heart.

It is clear now: He is knocking on the door of my heart, and calling me to anchor myself in Him. He used the unease of yesterday, the healing news today, your post and the picture of a Lantern-bearing Christ at the door.

Little Flower's Crown of Roses said...

How beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with me!!


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